Get Involved

Amandla! is a bi-monthly magazine and website project that aims to promote discussion and debate towards a new left and anti-capitalist politics in South Africa and Southern Africa. Amandla! provides coverage and analysis of current political, economic, social...

Help to sell Amandla

As an alternative publication, Amandla! depends on readers like you for its financial sustainability. Your support can enable Amandla! to continue its important work. If you, like us, believe that what we think and do makes a difference, why not get actively involved?...

Volunteer for Amandla

There’s lots more we’d like to be able to do with Amandla!, so we welcome offers of help from people with particular skills. For instance, do you have audio or video recording and editing skills that could help us move into multimedia? Could you help us fundraise? Are...

Write for Amandla

Amandla! is an alternative publication and it depends on readers like you for its financial sustainability. As well as reading it every 2 months, you can write, draw or photograph for it, help publicise it. In contrast to the mainstream media, Amandla1’s content...

Become a subscriber

We also appeal to you to you to subscribe to the Amandla! magazine. Voices independent from both the state and vested financial interests are critical. Mainstream media in South Africa falls far short of representing the interests, conditions and struggles of the mass...