Many people do not realise that the conflict in Congo is a global issue.
Life without wages: the scale, the reasons and the alternatives
The post-apartheid mass unemployment crisis is rooted in the structure of the South African economy.
Education cuts are provincial choice within national programme
There are many ways in which the Provincial Treasury can reprioritise spending to secure teaching jobs.
Voice of the unemployed
Amandla! spoke to Siziphiwe Dunjana, a member of the Cry of the Xcluded about the challenges of unemployment.
The ANC-DA Alliance is more deeply committed to neoliberalism even than its predecessors.
Unemployment is killing SA
Amandla! Issue #94 is out! ✊🏾
Breaking the trade chains that perpetuate food for the few and hunger for the many (Part Three)
All the trade agreements that guarantee food insecurity for most people enjoy parliamentary approval.
Load-reduction: capitalism’s electric shock therapy
When we experience load reduction, we are also at the mercy of capitalism’s conditioning of the South African working class, which extends back to the early days of European colonial expansion.
Today’s hidden costs of critical minerals mining in DRC recalls Dag Hammarskjöld’s death in 1961
Dag Hammarskjöld’s fatal dedication to supporting Congolese sovereignty in the face of resistance from those threatened by the loss of control over the region’s resources finds a troubling parallel in the present-day conflicts in the eastern DRC.