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Violence, trauma and mental health in South Africa
In the mental health field, it is imperative to develop a lifestyle model of mental health.
Organising the unemployed: The Botshabelo Unemployed Movement
When you organise unemployed people, they think that you organise them to get money.
Leading left publications support Boris Kagarlitsky solidarity conference
Leading left publications and publishers are lending their support to the global online conference in honour of imprisoned Russian dissident Boris Kagarlitsky on October 8.
Minerals over life: the plight of the Congolese people
Many people do not realise that the conflict in Congo is a global issue.
Life without wages: the scale, the reasons and the alternatives
The post-apartheid mass unemployment crisis is rooted in the structure of the South African economy.
Education cuts are provincial choice within national programme
There are many ways in which the Provincial Treasury can reprioritise spending to secure teaching jobs.
Amandla Magazine
Amandla! is a progressive media project. Producing, sharing and analysing information, Towards promoting community media for social justice