Letters to Msholozi

Dear Msholozi, As a nationalist and long-time supporter of the African National Congress, I am disturbed by reports that the SA Communist Party regards you as their useful idiot to help them get – and keep – their hands on the levers of state power. Are these reports...

Book review – TERRA: Jeanette Unite

First things first: if you are going to buy this book, I strongly suggest you purchase the limited edition black boxed special. Not only is the packaging itself an artwork, but it also does a good job of making an event out of an art book. Jeanette herself was quite...

Sounds of the South: the Hip Hop Caravan

Sounds of the South (SOS) is a cultural movement based in Cape Town’s Khayelitsha township that uses hip hop to fight against oppression They talked to Amandla! about their new project, the Afrikan Hip Hop Caravan, an educational and musical exploration that...

News brief

As the 2014 elections approach and the ANC continues to weaken under Zuma’s leadership a host of new political parties and formations, from Agang to WASP, are beginning to enter the political scene from. The latest emerge is the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)...

Developments in NUMSA

Developments in NUMSA are of considerable significance, portending substantial changes in the South African political landscape. Notably this entails the possible fatal split of COSATU and the ANC-led alliance. But as with all break-ups, one cannot be certain what...