Zuma painting must be removed – SADTU by | Mugwena Maluleke

by Jun 4, 2012All Articles

Union says freedom of expression doesn’t extend to freedom to insult
SADTU calls for the immediate removal of Zuma painting
SADTU is joining the ANC and COSATU in the call to have the painting of President Jacob Zuma showing his private parts removed from the Goodman Gallery and on the internet with immediate effect.
We see no artistic expression in the painting, but an obscene, distasteful and blatant insult to the President of South Africa, President of the ANC and family man.
The painting has done untold damage to the president’s and the country’s image and dignity.  Not only are President Zuma, the ANC and his family feeling humiliated, the majority of South Africans experience the same.
Our laws and constitution provide for freedom of expression. However, this freedom should not be misinterpreted to mean freedom to insult.
The painting is a provocative piece with a potential to cause further racial polarization in South Africa. It should therefore be removed with immediate effect.
Statement issued by Mugwena Maluleke, SADTU General Secretary, May 19 2012
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