Where does Al Jazeera stand? | by Joseph Daher

Where does Al Jazeera stand? | by Joseph Daher

Joseph Daher looks at the role of Al Jazeera as both a tool of Qatar’s political and economic interests, but which also sometimes shares sympathy with popular movements in the region.Al Jazeera television has recently been subject to debate, following the resignation...

Libya: The West’s new client? | by Simon Assaf

The uprising in Libya was inspired by the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. But the intervention of Nato forces changed the situation dramatically. Simon Assaf asks if Libya is now destined to become a client state of Western powers or whether its revolution could...

Francafrique goes democratique? | by Khadija Sharife

Several years ago, Foreign Policy in Focus (FPIF) published an article called ‘Propping Up Africa’s Dictators’. The article unpacked the basic commonly known building blocks for France’s Françafrique policy, ‘designed to create structural dependence and domination by...