Seeking a definition of Socialism

Is North Korea socialist? Is the sort of society that exists there the sort of society that we, in South Africa, should wish to emulate? Is it the sort of regime that workers the world over should support? These may seem strange questions to ask in South Africa. Or...

Libya’s Restive Revolutionaries | by Nicolas Pelham

Beneath a golden canopy lined with frilly red tassels and vaulted with chandeliers, hundreds of militiamen from across Libya gathered at a security base in Benghazi, the launch pad of their anti-Qaddafi revolution, at the end of April and called for another uprising....

Morsi wins Egypt’s presidential election

Muslim Brotherhood candidate declared the official winner with 13.2 million votes in second round. The Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi has officially won Egypt’s presidential election and will be the country’s next president, the electoral...