Austerity Versus Stimulus | by Prabhat Patnaik

IT is obviously silly to push for austerity in the midst of a recession, not just silly but cruel, since it prolongs the pain of unemployment. The recession is caused by a deficiency of aggregate demand. To overcome it what is necessary is an increase in demand which...

A looming global recession | by CP Chandrasekhar

All recent economic indicators point almost unambiguously to a new global recession, one which threatens to be more severe and prolonged than the 2007 crisis. While the epicentre of this developing crisis is located in the metropolitan countries, specifically the EU...

Will the G20 save the world? | by Peter Wahl

The financial crisis, which is haunting the industrialised countries – with heavy effects on the entire world – served as a catalyst for the emergence of the G20 as the ‘premier forum for economic cooperation’, as the G20 defined themselves in their mandate.But the...