Two years after Fukushima | by Pierre Rousset

The triple disaster of 11 March 2011 constituted a major turning point in contemporary Japanese history — its political impact is not however unequivocal. It has provoked a radical break in the way in which many Japanese people perceive the authorities and...
South Africa’s New Apartheid | by Sabine Cessou

South Africa’s New Apartheid | by Sabine Cessou

A group of building workers relaxed on the pavement in central Cape Town, enjoying their lunch break. Every minute was precious; nobody was in a hurry to get back to work. “They pay us peanuts,” said a bricklayer with a gold tooth. On the equivalent of...

Interview with police Major General Jeremy Vearey

In this extract from a longer interview conducted by Amandla! Vearey outlines a brief history of policing methodology in Cape Town and a critique based on the intersection between class/capital/space in terms of how crime arises and policing functions in Cape Town A!:...

South African Hip Hop: An outsider’s perspective

One evening while channel surfing at home, I stumbled upon what sounded like a rap cypher on the radio. Quickly, I got up to look for an empty cassette tape nearby. Once I found one (a see-through Sonotech C-60 if memory serves right),
I hurriedly inserted it into the...