South African mining unrest spreads | by Helen Thomas

Labour unrest engulfing the South African platinum industry spread on Wednesday, prompting fears of a broader mining crisis in one of the main commodity-producing countries. Platinum and gold prices continued to soar as investors braced for supply disruptions after 44...

Radio 786 Interview

On Radio786 in Cape Town from 9:30-10:30pm tonight, Ashraf was the interviewer, and to open, David van Wyk of Bench Mark Foundation (church-backed research group) did a terrific job setting out the extent of the crisis, including the social and labour plans which were...
Whose strike to whose gain? | by Christian Selz

Whose strike to whose gain? | by Christian Selz

Alongside the prominent demand for R150 a day, striking farm workers in the Western Cape are demanding an end to labour brokering – an uphill battle that they are likely to lose given that some of their perceived leaders appear to trade in that very business. It is...

Ebola kills – Underdevelopment and poverty kill more

Sensational reporting on the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is spreading fear and stereotypes about the so-called “dark continent”. The disease has killed over 1,500 people in West Africa this year. With decent health care facilities, access to clean water...