The Crisis of the Left in Contemporary South Africa

Harsh Realities The ideological, political, organizational, and socioeconomic realities of contemporary South Africa do not paint a flattering picture for the left:* The neoliberal variant of capitalism is not only practically dominant but generally in a phase of...

Rejoinder from Peter Waterman

Dear Trevor (I am assuming that you will read or receive this): I can recognise most of your analysis of the crisis of the South African Left because it corresponds with that of the West European, North American, Russian or Latin American Left. What I cannot agree...
The South African Left needs to go back to its roots

The South African Left needs to go back to its roots

The Working Class Summit bounces back  LAST MONTH, 600 ACTIVISTS packed into a Johannesburg hall for the first meeting in several years of the Working Class Summit. It was a welcome sight for the many sore eyes on the South African Left. The WCS’s main convener is the...
The quiet vanguardism OF THE LEFT

The quiet vanguardism OF THE LEFT

WHEN WE THINK OF NORTH stars, we think of a destination we feel we are striving for. The South African Left lacks a north star today. The truth of contemporary South African politics is that the anti-apartheid struggle was the great unifier of progressive forces. It...