Vox Pop with Simphiwe Dana | by Andre Marais

Andre Marais (AM): What does Simphiwe Dana stand for?Simphiwe Dana (SD): I stand for justice. I stand for peace.AM: What inspires your music?SD: The human condition. My roots are everything. I am passionate. I was born in Africa.AM: How did growing up in rural...

Polygamy: A Freezing of Culture | by Mazibuko K. Jara

Some five years ago, the overwhelming majority of both rural and urban South Africans would have baulked at the idea of polygamy. However, it seems that polygamy has regained some legitimacy and currency. Together with President Zuma, celebrities such as the composer...

Listening to Miles in New Brighton | by Nkosinathi Jikeka

Growing up in New Brighton meant becoming passionate about music regardless of style, whether it be jazz, soul, dance or whatever. We in the Eastern Cape have a proud history in music, politics, arts, culture, and sports. Add fashion, good times and just plain old...


Who would ever think that an award-winning young South African jazz bassist, with impressive collaborations in Europe and the USA, and past scholarship opportunities that helped grow his music, would divulge some inner personal turmoil in his first CD album,...