Slavery and the origins of racism | by Lance Selfa

IT IS commonly assumed that racism is as old as human society itself. As long as human beings have been around, the argument goes, they have always hated or feared people of a different nation or skin color. In other words, racism is just part of human nature....

Slavery and the origins of racism | by Lance Selfa

IT IS commonly assumed that racism is as old as human society itself. As long as human beings have been around, the argument goes, they have always hated or feared people of a different nation or skin color. In other words, racism is just part of human nature....
Haiti’s forgotten Revolution and C.L.R. James

Haiti’s forgotten Revolution and C.L.R. James

The great Trindadian intellectual C.L.R. James’s The Black Jacobins is a decidedly partisan text, it has no pretensions of grandiose academic objectivity or liberal ‘fairness’. It is a great Marxist text, not great in the sense of providing a new...