Zionism, Racism and Culture | by EPW

Israel will ignore Palestine’s membership of UNESCO, but Palestine can use this toehold to salvage its heritage.After blustery threats failed to banish the item from the agenda, the United States and Israel retaliated in their own ways when the United Nations cultural...

Tolerance of Whom? | by Rashid Khalidi

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is planning to build a Museum of Tolerance on the Muslim Mamilla cemetery. This project is a grotesque attempt to erase the well-established history of a continuous Muslim presence in the city that dates back over a millennium. For over six...
The politics of the Olympics | by Brian Richardson

The politics of the Olympics | by Brian Richardson

The London 2012 Olympics look set to be a jamboree of profiteering and nationalism. Brian Richardson recalls how past Olympics have been the site of struggles against racism The Olympic Games have been associated with three of the most inspirational moments in the...