The Crisis of the Left in Contemporary South Africa

Harsh Realities The ideological, political, organizational, and socioeconomic realities of contemporary South Africa do not paint a flattering picture for the left:* The neoliberal variant of capitalism is not only practically dominant but generally in a phase of...

Do We Need an Independent Media Tribunal?

By Jeremy CroninIt is generally considered unwise for a politician to debate critically with the media through the media about the media. You don’t exactly enjoy home-ground advantage. This has been obvious in recent weeks with the re-surfacing of the debate...

Protection of Information Bill: SA Media Under Attack

By Butjwana Seokoma Former South African President, Nelson Mandela, reminded us in 1994 that: “A critical, independent and investigative press is the lifeblood of any democracy.” 16 years into democracy, opposition parties, civil society, activists and other...

Water – The Next Crisis

By Jeff RudinSouth Africa has made remarkable achievements in providing safe drinking water to people, and in ensuring that there is sufficient water for energy generation and for the growth of the industrial, mining, agricultural and other economic sectors. But it...