It’s time for new left politics | by Mazibuko K Jara

Can the poor and the middle classes open a path to change the country? The magical year of 2010, a year of millennial promises and expectations, is drawing to an end, with South Africa still facing multifaceted social, economic, political and ecological crises. In...

Hands off COSATU

How ironic that the attack on COSATU comes from within. Ironic but not unexpected. Supporters of the SACP/ANC faction in COSATU want to get rid of Vavi as he is too independent minded and too critical of Zuma and the government. He has been outspoken against the...

Houses for all! Now! | by Martin Legassick

Women and children have been forced to endure the Cape’s lashing winter winds and rain sleeping in the open in the Marikana area of Philippi. This is the result of illegal actions by the Democratic-Alliance-sponsored Anti Land Invasion Unit (ALIU), demolishing...