The UN is part of Palestine’s problem | by Frank Barat

At the United Nations building in New York City on Friday, 23 September 2011, Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority and chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) addresses the General Assembly in his bid to obtain full recognition of...

On Post Modernism | by Aijaz Ahmed

The first difficulty in talking about ‘postmodernism’ is that it is a very imprecise word, with shifting meanings in different contexts. Logically, it should be regarded as the ‘post-’ of ‘modernism’—as something that happens after modernism per se. Now, the term...
The new scramble for Africa | by Conn Hallinan

The new scramble for Africa | by Conn Hallinan

Are we witnessing a new “scramble for Africa?” Conn Hallinan presents his view of the current resource scramble for oil and other energy sources led by the United States, linking it to the war in Libya, rivalry with China and the African Contingency...