The Shape of the Beast | by Arundhati Roy

The Shape of the Beast | by Arundhati Roy

The Shape of the Beast is our world laid bare by a mind that has consistently and unhesitatingly engaged with its changing realities and often anticipated the way things have moved in the last decade. In the fourteen interviews collected here, conducted between...
Film reviews

Film reviews

The Noise of Cairo Director Heiko Lange (2012) This film looks at the explosion of creativity in the 18 days that shook the world in Egypt 2011 and led to the fall of the Mubarak regime. It gives us the perspective of dancers, street musicians, poets, graffiti artists...


The Devil’s Lair A film by Riaan Hendriks 2013 Incarcerated Knowledge Dylan Valley 2013 There’s a growing body of Cape Flats gangsta-chic in both print and film that is all the vogue popping up in publications and film festivals worldwide. Much of it makes...