COSATU Backs Palestinian Right to Self Determination

COSATU Backs Palestinian Right to Self Determination

The Palestinian statehood bid is indeed a form of diplomatic resistance in a larger struggle. COSATU backs the Palestinian right to self determination and efforts to reach a viable state for, by and of all the people of Palestine – including the majority who...

Why Kosovo But Not Palestine? | by Zoltan Grossman

In his September 21 speech to the United Nations, President Obama announced that he would veto U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state, because its independence was not a result of a negotiated settlement with Israel. He said that “peace depends upon compromise among...

The UN is part of Palestine’s problem | by Frank Barat

At the United Nations building in New York City on Friday, 23 September 2011, Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority and chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) addresses the General Assembly in his bid to obtain full recognition of...