Egypt’s Emergent Passive Revolution | by Cihan Tuga

One and a half years after the ouster of former President Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian revolutionaries returned to the streets in the first half of June 2012. The huge crowds that filled public squares throughout Egypt defy those accounts that reduce the revolutionary...
The party doesn’t have a hold on the class line!

The party doesn’t have a hold on the class line!

Amandla! interviewed two SACP members from the Eastern Cape where contestation ahead of this year’s conferences is heating up. They responded by email. Amandla! (A!): What are the major issues and debates at stake at this Congress of the SACP? SACP Activists...
The SPEAR – up whose arse? | by Allan Horowitz

The SPEAR – up whose arse? | by Allan Horowitz

The recent controversy about the artist Brett Murray’s “The Spear” painting provoked furious verbal and other acrobatics. Those who opposed the public showing of the painting did so claiming not to be censoring an exposed penis per se, but to be...