Lacking Resources?

Lacking Resources?

By Dick ForslundA recent report to South African Cities Network shows how much of incomes households pay in property rates water and electricity supply, and solid waste and sanitation. Low income households pay 10 to 20 percentage points more of their total incomes to...

Target: Africa | by John Feffer

An informal competition took place during the Bush years for the title of “second front” in the war on terror. Administration officials often referred to Southeast Asia as the next major franchise location for al-Qaeda, with the Philippines in particular...

Indigenous people: a key to environmental rescue

A 60 000-year track record on ecologyInterview with Clayton Thomas-Muller, founder of Defenders of the Land in Canada. Michael Welch (MW): Clayton Thomas-Muller, you’re on staff with the Indigenous Environment Network and a founder of Defenders of the Land. What...