The UN is part of Palestine’s problem | by Frank Barat

At the United Nations building in New York City on Friday, 23 September 2011, Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority and chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) addresses the General Assembly in his bid to obtain full recognition of...

New Hopes, Looming Threats | EPW Editorial

The extreme Right in Israel and the United States are standing in the way of justice to the Palestinians.The new spirit of assertion by the hitherto supine al-Fatah leadership of Palestine and the degree of support it has received from governments across the world...

The Price Of Torching Mosques | by Jonathan Cook

Nazareth: Jewish far-right groups responsible for a series of arson attacks on West Bank mosques over the past year broke dangerous ground last week when they turned their attention for the first time to holy places inside Israel. A mosque was torched, followed days...