Egypt’s Intense Election Eve | by Nate Wright

Egypt’s Intense Election Eve | by Nate Wright

Residents of Cairo’s Darb al-Ahmar neighborhood have gathered at a streetside café on a late October Friday night to get their first glimpse of a political party founded by revolutionary activists. Men play backgammon and sip from their glasses of tea as members of...

Hands off COSATU

How ironic that the attack on COSATU comes from within. Ironic but not unexpected. Supporters of the SACP/ANC faction in COSATU want to get rid of Vavi as he is too independent minded and too critical of Zuma and the government. He has been outspoken against the...
Editorial: Hands off COSATU!

Editorial: Hands off COSATU!

How ironic that the attack on COSATU comes from within. Ironic, but not unexpected. Supporters of the Zuma faction in COSATU want to get rid of Vavi as he is too independent-minded and too critical of Zuma and the government. Vavi has been outspoken about...