World music: myth or reality? | by Andre Marais

It is not unusual these days to walk into any music store and find a category called ‘World Music’ – most commonly displayed alphabetically, according to country and not artist, quite unlike the other products in the shop. The term has become a marketing ploy and a...
Jazzin’ Cape Town | by Carol Martin

Jazzin’ Cape Town | by Carol Martin

There are a growing number of music venues in Cape Town that promote a higher level of musical consciousness. Not only with the audience development in listening for appreciation that they promote but also with the space that they provide for musical exploration and...
Information is not knowledge | by Andy Wilson

Information is not knowledge | by Andy Wilson

David Stubbs, Fear of Music: Why People Get Rothko But Don’t Get Stockhausen (Zero, 2010), £9.99_ The Tate Modern is one of the biggest cultural attractions in the UK, welcoming over five million visitors a year.1 Thousands flocked to see its recent Futurist and...
Film reviews

Film reviews

The Noise of Cairo Director Heiko Lange (2012) This film looks at the explosion of creativity in the 18 days that shook the world in Egypt 2011 and led to the fall of the Mubarak regime. It gives us the perspective of dancers, street musicians, poets, graffiti artists...

Listening to Miles in New Brighton | by Nkosinathi Jikeka

Growing up in New Brighton meant becoming passionate about music regardless of style, whether it be jazz, soul, dance or whatever. We in the Eastern Cape have a proud history in music, politics, arts, culture, and sports. Add fashion, good times and just plain old...