Austerity Versus Stimulus | by Prabhat Patnaik

IT is obviously silly to push for austerity in the midst of a recession, not just silly but cruel, since it prolongs the pain of unemployment. The recession is caused by a deficiency of aggregate demand. To overcome it what is necessary is an increase in demand which...

Is there an Ecological Marxism? | by Elmar Altvater

(Lecture at the Virtual University of CLACSO – Consejo Latinoamericano de las ciencias sociales,)In this lecture I try to show that and how the concept of societal relations of man to nature based on Marxian categories can be used for a better understanding of...
On Occupy Wall Street | by David Harvey

On Occupy Wall Street | by David Harvey

The Party of Wall Street has ruled unchallenged in the United States for far too long. It has totally (as opposed to partially) dominated the policies of Presidents over at least four decades (if not longer), no matter whether individual Presidents have been its...