Platinum Miners

Platinum miners ‘will pay for their sins’ by André Janse van Vuuren LONMIN and the other major platinum producers of North West will bear the brunt of more violent community protests for as long as discontent over employment, poor service delivery and the...
The end of NUM’s hegemony: AMCU and new mlitancy

The end of NUM’s hegemony: AMCU and new mlitancy

The Association of Mining and Construction Workers (AMCU) was born in 1998 out of a strike at Douglas Colliery, one of the oldest mines belonging to Ingwe Coal, when 3,000 workers occupied the underground works of the mine in protest against the dismissal of Joseph...

Commemorating Marikana: The Spirit of Mambush Lives on

Luke Sinwell and Siphiwe Mbatha On 16 August 2013, exactly one year after the Marikana Massacre, 20,000 workers peacefully commemorated that fateful day. Church leaders, political parties, progressives and the workers themselves addressed the crowd – including...