Interview with Khalid Shamis | by Andre Marais

The documentary Imam and I by Khalid Shamis was screened at the beginning of June at the Encounters Film Festival in Cape Town. Shamis is the grandson of the film’s protagonist, Imam Haron. He talks here about this six-year-long project, his portrait of the Imam and...
John Saul’s empty chalice | by Jeremy Cronin

John Saul’s empty chalice | by Jeremy Cronin

As we mark the centenary of the ANC there are, as we might expect, idealised versions of its history being trotted out. These tend to present the ANC’s hundred years as a righteous procession from early beginnings, through persecution and heroic resistance, to...
Britain: London Olympics opening week | by Manny Thain

Britain: London Olympics opening week | by Manny Thain

The greatest sporting, and money-making, show on earth The 2012 Olympic Games, held in London, will start with the ‘Opening Ceremony’ on Friday 27 July, watched by an estimated audience of 1 billion people around the world. Beyond the sporting excellence,...