COSATU Statement on the Dalai Lama Visit

COSATU Statement on the Dalai Lama Visit

The Congress of South African Trade Unions notes the continuing media frenzy around the Dalai Lama’s visit to South Africa.We also note and respectfully differ with the remarks attributed to Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, in particular the assertion that South...

The Price Of Torching Mosques | by Jonathan Cook

Nazareth: Jewish far-right groups responsible for a series of arson attacks on West Bank mosques over the past year broke dangerous ground last week when they turned their attention for the first time to holy places inside Israel. A mosque was torched, followed days...

His Hollowness the 14th Dalai Lama | by Roz Chidwick

This month sees an official visit to Australia by the 14th Dalai Lama. A deluxe package, priced at $5,000, will give you the chance to witness the teachings and the “journey of a man of compassion and wisdom”. The main event in Melbourne, a three-day teaching session,...