Slavery and the origins of racism | by Lance Selfa

IT IS commonly assumed that racism is as old as human society itself. As long as human beings have been around, the argument goes, they have always hated or feared people of a different nation or skin color. In other words, racism is just part of human nature....

Slavery and the origins of racism | by Lance Selfa

IT IS commonly assumed that racism is as old as human society itself. As long as human beings have been around, the argument goes, they have always hated or feared people of a different nation or skin color. In other words, racism is just part of human nature....
Romance, grace and football | by Mark Espin

Romance, grace and football | by Mark Espin

When people write about football they often employ a series of overstated adjectives and nauseating hyperbole. The death of Sampaio de Sousa Vieira de Oliveira in December last year required that football writers be much more careful about their use of language when...

On the origins of green liberalism | by Ted Steinberg

Can Capitalism save the planet? Ted Steinberg is Adeline Barry Davee Distinguished Professor of History and Professor of Law at Case Western Reserve University. This article was originally published in Radical History Review 107 (Spring 2010), and is reposted here...
Angola helps out Portugal | by Augusta Conchiglia

Angola helps out Portugal | by Augusta Conchiglia

The former colony has become an unexpected source of jobs and investment for Portugal in the global downturn. Angola is Sub-Saharan Africa’s third largest economy, after South Africa and Nigeria (1). It is already one of Africa’s biggest oil producers, with an average...