Greek Tragedy | by Nick Dearden

Everyday the same news – Greece lurches nearer to a default, the financial markets panic, and governments come up with a few more euros or some soothing words to calm them for a few hours. The meltdown has been put off for another day.Almost every commentator accepts...

Alternative ways out of crisis | by Eric Toussaint

In the eye of the storm: the debt crisis in the European Union (7/7)In July-September 2011 the stock markets were again shaken at international level. The crisis has become deeper in the EU, particularly with respect to debts. The CADTM interviewed Eric Toussaint...

Has the crisis peaked yet | by Eric Toussaint

In the eye of the storm: the debt crisis in the European Union (6/7)In July-September 2011 the stock markets were again shaken at international level. The crisis has become deeper in the EU, particularly with respect to debts. The CADTM interviewed Eric Toussaint...