Spotlight on the Dodgy | by EPW

Spotlight on the Dodgy | by EPW

Surely the imperialists would put a stop to WikiLeaks’ exposure of their shady ways.Much of the front-page news from around the world over the last year and more cannot be understood, perhaps, without factoring in the role and effect of WikiLeaks. But today, despite...
Alexander Cockburn 1941-2012

Alexander Cockburn 1941-2012

  Alexander Cockburn, one of my journalistic and literary heroes passed away yesterday, after a prolonged battle with cancer. Cockburn’s acidic criticism, flourishing prose and general contempt for all that was orthodox, safe and banal, made him one of the...
Every Cook can govern

Every Cook can govern

                                                   The Greek form of government was the city-state. Every Greek city was an independent state. At its best, in the city state of Athens, the public assembly of all the citizens made all important decisions on such...