Envisioning a new African university | by Steve Sharra

The month of October marks eight months since lecturers at Chancellor College, University of Malawi, stopped teaching, demanding guarantees of academic freedom. Despite verbal assurances from President Bingu wa Mutharika for a win-win solution to the problems that...

Envisioning a new African university | by Steve Sharra

The month of October marks eight months since lecturers at Chancellor College, University of Malawi, stopped teaching, demanding guarantees of academic freedom. Despite verbal assurances from President Bingu wa Mutharika for a win-win solution to the problems that...
It’s our environment, stupid!

It’s our environment, stupid!

AMANDLA ISSUE 22 | EDITORIAL : It’s our environment, stupid! Global collision of the ecological and economic crises The financial crisis that broke out in 2008 is a symptom of a much wider crisis of the global system. It is not only a crisis of the neoliberal model,...
Occupy the Rondebosch Common | by Lillina Ruiters

Occupy the Rondebosch Common | by Lillina Ruiters

Where were the old revolutionaries? On Friday, 27 January, about 100 people marched from Manenberg to Rondebosch Common bent on occupying the wasted land resource. The march turned sour after the City refused to allow it to proceed. The protesters insisted (on what...