The Arms Deal continued | by Terry Crawford-Browne

Terry Crawford Browne has waged a long campaign against the government’s 1999 decision to spend billions of rand on military equipment –  even more so because of the government’s inability to identify actual or even likely enemies to justify the huge expenditure....
Too big to be honest | by Amandla Staff

Too big to be honest | by Amandla Staff

One of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, GlaxoSmithKline, the British drugmaker, has agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges, and pay $3bn to settle one of the largest cases of healthcare fraud in US history. The drug giant is to plead guilty to...

The Emperor is naked | by Njabulo S Ndebele

A reincarnated Hans Christian Andersen may have painted The Spear for those denying the testimony of their eyes ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes” is one of the most enduring tales by Hans Christian Andersen. It tells the story of a fashion-obsessed Emperor who has no time...