Fact Sheet: MALI

Fact Sheet: MALI

Official name: Republic of Mali Capital: Bamako Day of Independence: 22nd September 1960 (from France) Area: 1 240 192 km² (24th biggest country in the world / 6th biggest in Africa) Located in West Africa 3.76% arable land Landlocked; divided into three natural...
Film reviews

Film reviews

The Noise of Cairo Director Heiko Lange (2012) This film looks at the explosion of creativity in the 18 days that shook the world in Egypt 2011 and led to the fall of the Mubarak regime. It gives us the perspective of dancers, street musicians, poets, graffiti artists...

A Festival of Resistance

first published in Mahala This was the third time I attended the Grahamstown National Arts Festival, now as a fourth year student at Rhodes University. The role that the festival plays for the town has become increasingly apparent as my own interests and work have...

Chris McGregor and the Brotherhood of Breath

The morning of our father’s 82nd birthday dawned with the news of Chris’s death. We had known for some time that he was desperately ill and so had already booked a flight to France to go and visit him – ironically the flight was due to leave that very...