News brief

As the 2014 elections approach and the ANC continues to weaken under Zuma’s leadership a host of new political parties and formations, from Agang to WASP, are beginning to enter the political scene from. The latest emerge is the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)...

EFF and the left | by Benjamin Fogel

In Gill Hart’s excellent new book Rethinking the South Africa crisis, she points to a rather curious phenomenon as part of her engagement with the figure of one Julius Malema and the ‘populist’ turn he represents. She notes that for a change the far...

The storm after the whirlwind: The ANC after Zuma

The big question for the political future of the ANC and that of South Africa, although it may appear early or some would say premature, is a post-Jacob Zuma plan. For the ANC, it just elected Cyril Ramaphosa as its deputy president, but given the recent example with...

Till death do us part? The future of COSATU

For the leadership of the ANC and SACP an independent and militant worker controlled and independent trade union federation is too dreadful to contemplate– especially as we approach the 2014 national and provincial elections. What if COSATU refused to campaign for or...