The too-many-people myth | by Ian Angus and Simon Butler

The too-many-people myth | by Ian Angus and Simon Butler

As the number of humans on the planet reaches 7 billion, Ian Angus and Simon Butler, authors of Too Many People? Population, Immigration, and the Environmental Crisis, look at the persistent idea that overpopulation is the major cause of environmental destruction. The...

Is there an Ecological Marxism? | by Elmar Altvater

(Lecture at the Virtual University of CLACSO – Consejo Latinoamericano de las ciencias sociales,)In this lecture I try to show that and how the concept of societal relations of man to nature based on Marxian categories can be used for a better understanding of...
It’s our environment, stupid!

It’s our environment, stupid!

AMANDLA ISSUE 22 | EDITORIAL : It’s our environment, stupid! Global collision of the ecological and economic crises The financial crisis that broke out in 2008 is a symptom of a much wider crisis of the global system. It is not only a crisis of the neoliberal model,...