The great billion dollar drug scam | by Khadija Sharife

Alongside pneumococcal diseases such as meningitis and pneumonia,rotavirus-related diarrhoea is a primary childhood killer in developing countries, thought to snuff out the lives of 500,000 children each and every year. An overwhelming 85 per cent of these children...

Occupied — What Now? | by David Swanson

War Is Crime Thanks in large part to the New York and national corporate media a massive campaign to shift power away from giant corporations and into the hands of the people is now afoot all across this continent. It was inspired by peoples’ nonviolent...

The 1% And Capitalism | by Shamus Cooke

By definition, capitalism is: An economic system based on private ownership of the means of production (industry, banks, technology), where through the process of market competition, production occurs for private profit — if something cannot be sold for a profit it is...