Against Shell’s fracking arguments | by Jonathan Deal

Three oil companies, Royal Dutch Shell, Falcon Oil & Gas, and Bundu Oil & Gas, see massive opportunities in the exploration of natural gas trapped in the underground shale formations in the Karoo, a semi-desert area in South Africa. The Karoo is a sparsely...
Parliament resorts to censorship

Parliament resorts to censorship

As per the Sunday Times editorial below, the democratic Parliament of South Africa has resorted to censorship to block legitimate concerns of a rising authoritarianism and intolerance of critique. The Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC) was stopped...

A glimmer of hope for youth unemployment

Continually lost in the ongoing row about the mooted youth wage subsidy is the context in which it is being proposed. Not just the national, but the global context. It is a context in which there are fewer and fewer jobs for more and more job seekers. At the same...