The Negev’s Hot Wind Blowing | by Jonathan Cook

Over the past 15 months the dusty plains of the northern Negev desert in Israel have been witness to a ritual of destruction, part of a police operation known as Hot Wind. On 29 occasions since June 2010, hundreds of Israeli paramilitary officers have made the...

The Nobel Price for (SA) Peace

The latest furore about statements made by former apartheid president FW de Klerk has raised one very pertinent point: the political considerations that go into the decisions regarding the award of the Nobel Peace Prize. It also raises again the circumstances in which...

Of Nationalisation, Land Grabs and Vanguards

Over this past week, the National Union of Metalworkers congress has again put both nationalisation and the Freedom Charter firmly onto the political agenda. “Numsa is going to insist on the implementation of the revolutionary programme of the ANC — the Freedom...