Do Party Manifestos mean anything?

At least when Marx and Engels wrote the communist Manifesto, they provided for inspired analysis and call for action. they knew that the call for action had to have a context otherwise nothing they proposed would have meaning. It had to be embedded in both theory and...

Communism: a viable alternative?

As the epoch of liberal capitalism and the free market falls apart, the question of an alternative must be re-opened Comment by Bernard Keenan, Monday 16 March 2009 Article History: Let’s get one thing out of the way to begin with: history is back...

Rejoinder from Peter Waterman

Dear Trevor (I am assuming that you will read or receive this): I can recognise most of your analysis of the crisis of the South African Left because it corresponds with that of the West European, North American, Russian or Latin American Left. What I cannot agree...

Response from Martin Legassick to Peter Waterman

Revolution WITHIN Capitalism Dear Peter, I have read your recent response to Trevor Ngwane, and have also read your 1998 book on “Globalisation…”, of which your recent email is a summary. I must say that I found both your book and your recent...

Martin Legassick responds to Peter Waterman – Again

Dear Peter, It is a pity that you engage in caricature rather than addressing seriously what I had to say. “I am also disappointed that you (whichever of the above persons you may be) should reach for the stock-in-trade of M-L critics – The Revolution...