Interview with Khalid Shamis | by Andre Marais

The documentary Imam and I by Khalid Shamis was screened at the beginning of June at the Encounters Film Festival in Cape Town. Shamis is the grandson of the film’s protagonist, Imam Haron. He talks here about this six-year-long project, his portrait of the Imam and...
Israel and apartheid | by Zwelinzima Vavi

Israel and apartheid | by Zwelinzima Vavi

Address by Zwelinzima Vavi, General Secretary of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) to the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, District Six Museum, Cape Town, November 6 2011 As with all other aspects of South African life – political, social,...
The end of NUM’s hegemony: AMCU and new mlitancy

The end of NUM’s hegemony: AMCU and new mlitancy

The Association of Mining and Construction Workers (AMCU) was born in 1998 out of a strike at Douglas Colliery, one of the oldest mines belonging to Ingwe Coal, when 3,000 workers occupied the underground works of the mine in protest against the dismissal of Joseph...