Reviving socialism from below | by Phil Gasper

Capitalism’s biggest crisis since the 1930s raises the question of what can replace it. A SPECTER is haunting capitalism. As the world economy plunges into its worst crisis since the Great Depression, political discourse in the United States has been dominated by a...

The Spear that divided the nation | by Professor Mbembe

AN OLD west African proverb compares the artist to a dog. Positioned at the interface of the human and the natural worlds, the dog in most ancient African societies enjoyed a slippery and highly ambiguous cultural status.  Neither a human being, nor a wild animal, it...

The Spear that divided the nation | by Professor Robins

BRETT Murray’s The Spear has generated an extraordinary amount of media and political commentary, social media twittering, marches and protests, including the defacing of the painting itself. The rage expressed by many in response to the depiction of the private parts...

ANC vs City Press: What lies beneath | by Mandy de Waal

Some say it was the ANC’s best chance to steer public attention away from its disastrous handling of the economy. Some say they just couldn’t wait to spark an outrage so people would stop talking about textbooks being five months late in Limpopo. Some say...