Seminar: Right to Food: Strategies for Agrarian Reform & Food Sovereignty

by Aug 4, 2010All Articles

final map food invite1The Trust for Community Outreach & Education (TCOE) and the Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC) invite you to a strategy seminar on the “Right to Food: Strategies for Agrarian Reform & Food Sovereignty”.

DATE:     Saturday 14 August 2010
TIME:     9h00 – 17h00
VENUE:  River Club, Observatory, Cape Town
RSVP:     021 447 2525/

Speakers include: Gavin Joachims (Trust for Community Outreach and Education – TCOE), Renet Eunice (Mawubuye), Nombeko Nonti (Surplus People’s Project – SPP/Ithemba Farmers Association), Steven Greenberg (SJG), Andy Johnson (Artisanal Fishing Association), Mariam Mayet (African Centre for Biosafety – ACB), Dirk Troskie (Western Cape Department of Agricuture – DLA), Ruth Hall (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies – PLAAS), Bobby Peek (GroundWork), Fredson Guilengue (Via Campesina), Muna Lakani (Institute for Zero Waste – IZWA)

REVISED DRAFT SEMINAR PROGRAMME: “The Right to Food: Strategies for Agrarian Reform and Food Sovereignty”

SEMINAR DATE: 14 August 2010


9h30    Welcome & Introduction – Gavin Joachims (TCOE)

10h00    Field Voices: The problem of food insecurity in SA – CHAIR: From WFP
1.    Challenges of rural livelihoods, Nomvuzo/Adam
2.    Challenges of emerging farmers, Nombeko Nonti
3.    Challenges faced by Fishing Community, Andy Johnson
11h00    The industrial model of food production
4.    Agriculture, Steven Greenberg   
5.    Promotion of GMOs/Agro Fuels, Mariam Mayet         
6.    Land Reform, Ruth Hall

13h00    LUNCH

14h00    Towards Food Sovereignty – CHAIR: Sthandiwe Yeni   
7.    Artisanal Fishing, Naseegh Jaffer 
8.    Climate Justice Now, Muna Lakhani         
9.    Climate Change, Bobby Peek
15h30    TEA

16h00    Campaigning for Food Sovereignty – CHAIR: From AIDC
9.      Linkages with urban & rural struggles, Fredson Guilengue
10.    Emerging Famers, Mawubuye Land Rights

17h00    Closure

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