Forum: Land Reform: Is It Working?

by Sep 8, 2010All Articles

The Amandla! Forum (Johannesburg) in conjunction with Wits University Department of Sociology invites you to its next forum “Land Reform: Is It Working?”

Date:         Thursday, 9 September 2010

Venue:         Senate House Basement 2 lecture theatre, Wits University Main Campus

Time:         18h00

Land restitution is one of the most complicated issues in transforming South Africa into a just and peaceful society. The Promised Land by Yoruba Richen is an award winning documentary which follows the process of two recent land claims and records the complicated emotions involved in the joy of land returned and the pain of land lost. We hope that some of the claimants from Broederstroom will attend and the film will be followed by a panel discussion led by Dr Samuel Kariuki from the Sociology Department and Roger Roman from Land for Peace.

Parking available at Yale Road or in Wits Theatre Parking Garage, entrance in Jorissen street, Braamfontein (parking garage entrance is immediately after the pedestrian entrance to Senate House, take the lift or stairs to floor B1).

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