Film Flicks

by Mar 15, 2012Magazine

The Amandla! Film That Matter Series, 2012
Here is a taste of just some of the films we’ve got lined up for the first quarter of the year. These films are screened every fortnight at the AIDC. Check out our Facebook page for more information @Amandla! Media.
Director: Jack Lewis, South Africa, 2011
New documentary taking a fly on the wall view of the impact of government-sponsored AIDS denialism between1999 and2000, a period when over a million South Africans died of AIDS despite the existence of antiretroviral treatment.
Citizen X
Director: Arya Lalloo, South Africa, 2010
Tired of waiting for the state to make good on liberation promises and
facing deepening poverty, communities across SA have taken to the
streets with increasing volatility since the early 2000s.This film asks
why, and traces the origin of the movement. Inspiring!
Eyes Wide Open
Director: Gonzalo Arijon, France, 2009
As successive left of centre presidents take power across Latin
America, this film looks in detail at what the shift away from neoliberalism means for ordinary working people. Awesome stuff!
A Little Bit of So Much Truth
Director: Jill Friedberg, Mexico, 2007
When the people from Oaxaca, Mexico decided they’d had enough of bad
government, they didn’t take their story to the media, they took it
over. Relevant and inspiring.
The Weather Gods
Director: Rehad Desai, South Africa, 2011
The impact of climate change on subsistence farming is immense, nowhere
more so than in Africa. This film looks at the experience of three
communities in South Africa, Mali and Kenya.
I learnt a lot from this film.
I’ll Sing for You/ Je chanterai pour toi
Director: Jules Dassin, Mali, France, 2003
Powerful musical documentary on the music of Mali, using the life and
music of Malian guitar legend Boubar Traore. Hypnotically beautiful film about a forgotten musician and political figure that sparked thoughts of independence in his people.
Note that many of these films can be found at the AIDC Resource Centre.
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