Critical Thinking Forum: Media Freedom in South Africa – Is it Under Threat?

by Aug 6, 2010All Articles

critical forums advertAmandla Publishers/AIDC, in a joint partnership with the Mail and Guardian will be hosting a series of Critical Thinking Forums, to be held between the 11th August and the 1st September 2010 in Johannesburg, Durban, Grahamstown and Cape Town. The forums asks, Media Freedom, Is it under threat? The first forum will held in Johannesburg on the 11th August. Watch this space for weekly forum updates.


Ferial Haffajee – City Press
Prof. Anton Harber – University of the Witwatersrand
Mark Weinberg – Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC)
Jackson Mthembu – ANC

Date:    Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Time:     18h00 for 18h30
Venue:     Atlas Studios, 44 Frost Avenue, Milpark
RSVP:    Tamarin Marshman on 011 250 7425 or email

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