ANC Third National General Council – 20 to 24 September 2010

by Sep 17, 2010All Articles

national general council meetingThe ANC will host its much anticipated National General Council (NGC) meeting in Durban from 20 – 24 September 2010. Tripartite Alliance members, COSATU and the SACP have also submitted documents to be discussed, and after one of the biggest public sector strikes that South Africa has faced in years, the alliance seems to be at its most fragile. Recently, new reforms, such as the proposed Media Appeals Tribunal, Protection of Information Bill and issues of corruption have threatened to unhinge the democratic principles that were fought for during the time of apartheid.

Click here to read some of the documents prepared by the alliance members >>
Read the Documents

COSATU new economic growth path [PDF]

ANC – Discussion Document – Economic Transformation [PDF]

ANC – Discussion Document – Information and Communications Technology [PDF]

ANC – Discussion Document – Leadership renewal discipline and organisational culture [PDF]

ANC – Discussion Document – Legislature and Governance – Building a development State [PDF]

ANC – Discussion Document – Media Diversity and Ownership [PDF]

ANC – Discussion Document – Organisational renewal [PDF]

ANC – Discussion Document – Peace and Stability – Transforming the criminal justice system [PDF]

ANC – Discussion Document – Strategy and Tactics and the Balance of Forces [PDF]

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