Middle East

Interview with Gilbert Achcar

Yvan Lemaître :— The smothering of all political life by the dictatorships obscured the politicisation of intellectual circles, the workers’ movement and peoples in the aftermath of war and anti-imperialist struggles. Will this political base re-emerge today in the...

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Mubarak Behind Bars | by Phyllis Bennis

The fact that the landmark trial of Hosni Mubarak is happening at all - in itself a remarkable feat - is glossed over by critics who are quick to point out the flaws in a trial that certainly would not meet Western expectations [EPA]The trial of ousted Egyptian...

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Syria’s Torment

Syria’s Torment

There are two political-intellectual prisms through which the recurrent conflagrations of the modern Middle East are conventionally seen. One casts the regionís stubborn ills as internally caused -- by the outsize role of religion in public life, the persistence of...

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Massacre in Syria but the people remain defiant

The Syrian regime continues its crackdown on opposition forces, but the demonstrations and protests are continuing. How can President Assad be removed from power? Anyone looking for evidence that what is happening in Syria is a revolution will not find it difficult to...

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Interview with Noam Chomsky

Frank Barat poses questions from artists, activists and journalists, on Egypt, corporate power, Palestine and more.For his second interview in less than a year with Professor Noam Chomsky (the first one took place in Cambridge in September 2010 and is available here),...

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